Proteus anguinus
The Olm, scientifically known as Proteus anguinus, is a fascinating and unique species of aquatic salamander that dwells in the dark, subterranean waters of limestone caves found primarily in the Dinaric Alps, stretching...Paragonimus westermani
The Japanese lung fluke, scientifically known as Paragonimus westermani, is a parasitic flatworm that belongs to the class Trematoda. This organism is of significant medical importance as it is the causative agent of...Strix varia
The Barred Owl, scientifically named Strix varia, is a captivating species of owl that is native to North America. Renowned for its distinctive hooting call, which is often phonetically described as "Who cooks for you?...Chlamydera nuchalis
The Great Bowerbird (Chlamydera nuchalis) is a remarkable species of bird that is native to Australia, primarily found across the northern parts of the continent. This species belongs to the Ptilonorhynchidae family,...Lymantria monacha
The Black Arches, scientifically named Lymantria monacha, is a captivating species of moth belonging to the family Erebidae. This moth is widely recognized for its distinctive appearance and the impact it has on forest...Gonepteryx rhamni
The Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) is a fascinating and distinctive species of butterfly that graces various landscapes across Europe and Asia. With its unique wing shape and coloration, this butterfly is easily...Pieris brassicae
The Large White, scientifically known as Pieris brassicae, is a prominent butterfly species that belongs to the family Pieridae, which is renowned for its relatively large size and striking appearance. This species is...Nemophora degeerella
The Longhorn moth, scientifically known as Nemophora degeerella, is a captivating species of moth that belongs to the Adelidae family, often referred to as fairy longhorn moths due to their delicate appearance and...Thaumetopoea pinivora
The Eastern pine processionary (Thaumetopoea pinivora) is a fascinating species of moth that has garnered attention from both the scientific community and the public due to its unique behavior and lifecycle, as well as...Deilephila elpenor
The Elephant Hawk Moth (Deilephila elpenor) is a captivating creature that belongs to the Sphingidae family, known for its unique and vibrant appearance. This moth, primarily found in the British Isles, but also...Chroicocephalus serranus
The Andean gull (Chroicocephalus serranus) is a fascinating and somewhat elusive bird species predominantly found in the high-altitude regions of South America. This species is a part of the Laridae family, which...Ablepharus kitaibelii
The European copper skink, scientifically known as Ablepharus kitaibelii, is a fascinating species of skink that dwells predominantly in the varied terrains of southeastern Europe and extends its range into the Middle...Rana temporaria
The Common frog, scientifically known as Rana temporaria, is a fascinating amphibian widely distributed across Europe and parts of Asia. This species is highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats,...Falco cherrug
The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) is a bird of prey that belongs to the falcon family, renowned for its remarkable speed, agility, and hunting prowess. This majestic bird is one of the larger species of falcon, boasting a...Quiscalus quiscula
The Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) is a captivating bird species that belongs to the Icteridae family, which is known for its diverse group of New World blackbirds. These birds are a familiar sight across much of...