Strepera graculina
The Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina) is a medium to large-sized bird that is native to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. This striking species belongs to the Artamidae family, which also includes other well-known...Ceryle rudis
The Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) is a fascinating bird species belonging to the kingfisher family, known for its distinctive black and white plumage and remarkable fishing skills. This medium-sized bird is a widespread...Carcharhinus amboinensis
The Pigeye Shark, scientifically known as Carcharhinus amboinensis, is a fascinating species of requiem shark, belonging to the family Carcharhinidae. This species is named for its notably large, pig-like eyes, which are...Luciocephalus pulcher
The Pikehead, scientifically known as Luciocephalus pulcher, is a unique and intriguing species of fish that belongs to the Osphronemidae family, which is also home to the more commonly known gouramis and bettas. The...Emberiza leucocephalos
The Pine Bunting (Emberiza leucocephalos) is a captivating species of bird that belongs to the Emberizidae family, which encompasses a diverse group of seed-eating birds with a distinctively shaped bill. This bird species...Pinicola enucleator
The Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) is a large, robust finch that graces the boreal forests and subalpine coniferous woods across the Northern Hemisphere with its presence. Characterized by its thick body, relatively...Cacatua leadbeateri
The Pink Cockatoo, scientifically known as Cacatua leadbeateri, and also widely recognized by the names Major Mitchell's Cockatoo or Leadbeater's Cockatoo, stands as a captivating and visually striking bird native to the...Anas acuta
The Pintail, scientifically known as Anas acuta, is a graceful, medium-sized dabbling duck that is widely admired for its elegant appearance and distinctive features. Characterized by its long, slender neck and a tail...Enterobius vermicularis
Pinworms, scientifically known as Enterobius vermicularis, are small, parasitic nematodes that are primarily found in the human intestine, particularly in the colon and rectum. These worms are a common cause of intestinal...Arapaima gigas
The Pirarucu, scientifically known as Arapaima gigas, is a remarkable and colossal freshwater fish indigenous to the Amazon Basin in South America. It is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, with adults...Ornithorhynchus anatinus
The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a highly unique and fascinating mammal indigenous to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Belonging to the monotreme family, which includes only five existing species (the...Basiliscus plumifrons
The Plumed Basilisk, scientifically known as Basiliscus plumifrons, is a captivating species of lizard that is native to the tropical rainforests of Central America. This remarkable creature is also known by its other...Metridium senile
The Plumose anemone, scientifically known as Metridium senile, is a fascinating and visually striking marine invertebrate belonging to the Actiniaria order. It is commonly found in the cooler waters of the Atlantic Ocean,...Pollachius pollachius
The Pollack (Pollachius pollachius), also known as the European Pollock, is a fascinating species of marine fish belonging to the Gadidae family, which includes other well-known members like the cod and haddock. This...Stercorarius pomarinus
The Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus) is a captivating and powerful bird of prey, belonging to the family Stercorariidae. It is renowned for its remarkable agility in flight, its striking plumage, and its...